I wonder what the world would be without the teacher,they are the unsung heroes,that silent force that propels legends to immortality in our memories.The most talked about man in history,Jesus Christ,the founder of Christianity,was a great teacher. Alexander the Great,was a student of Aristotle,a great Greek philosopher and Aristotle himself was a student of Plato,another great Greek philosopher.
It is evident that this profession has been there for ages,it has stood the test of time and survived the might of huge salaried professions. Without him there would be no doctors,engineers,bankers and not even a new generation of teachers. Like a lamp, he lights the path for his students,like a father he disciplines them so they do not repeat their mistakes,like a mother he is not happy till his students are happy and like a commanding officer,he gives them the strategy to win battles,that is their examinations.
A teacher is an engine that keeps the future of every generation brighter,the backbone of every economy and an inspiration to millions. Teaching is more than a profession,it is an honour. God bless all teachers who make a positive impact.